Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hello, "Running of the Bull;" farewell, "My Mother Hubbard Project"

Previously the home of "My Mother Hubbard Project," the premise of this blog was: Realizing one day that my pantry had overflowed into 1/2 of a spare bedroom closet, I decided to embark on the journey of cooking my way through my pantry. No more pantry purchases until the cupboard is bare! This means finally having to use all those miscellaneous things that mysteriously found their way into my grocery cart and then my home. Some are easier to use than others!

I never actually finished that project and hoped it would just fade away, forgotten by the four people who followed it (three of which live in this house).

Inspired now to write about broader life topics, I spent way too much time tonight trying to come up with a name for this new blog. We're talking hours spent trying to create a play-on-words title that would combine my new-found love of running, my begrudgingly-accepted middle-agedness, and even a bit of whimsy. The short list included "Running Amok," "Running My Life," and the inevitable winner, "Running of the Bull."

After painstakingly Googling hundreds of running cliches and quotes, evaluating the various options and finally arriving at a favorite, alas, none of my short list was available. In fact, none of my long list was available either. Even more frustrating, many of these blogs hadn't had new posts in years and some just sat there, empty, blank sheets of electronic paper.

Finally, in frustration, I tried one last-ditch option: "All the Good Names Are Taken." But that one's taken as well...go figure. "All the Good Ones Are Taken" is also unavailable (last post: 10/2003).

Having already lost several hours of my life that I'll never get back, and deference to all those blog squatters who haven't posted in years or (worse!) never posted, I give up! I am going to "re-purpose" the "mymotherhubbardproject" blog.

So, here we are. New year (sort of), new blog (sort of). I hope you join me for the ride.

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